Friday 11 November 2011

Target Audience Results

We then decided to use graphs to show our results from our questionnaire, so that we can clearly see the things that the audience liked most and liked least. this will be beneficial when trying to decide what to include and what not to include in our trailer.

Question 1; What gender are you?
We decided to ask an equal amount of males and females so that it balanced out and our results weren't favoured by one or the other.

Question 2; What age range do you fall under?
We mainly had answers from the age range of 15 to 18 and 19 to 25 as we asked many people from our class due to the limited time space we had to complete our questionnaire. We also got a few other various age ranges from walking around the school to ask other people to fill out our questionnaire, then we see what the public in general prefer when they watch a film/thriller trailer.

Question 3; Do you enjoy watching thriller films?
We asked this question to find out if that many people actually enjoy to watch the thriller genre, we found out that more people said yes then no, showing that many people will enjoy to watch this genre and thus want to watch our trailer. although more then half said yes, there were still a fair chunk of the people we asked which said no, meaning that we will have to try and make our trailer as effective as possible in order for people to be drawn into our film and want to see the rest of the film whether it is a thriller or not. 

Question 4; What is your favourite thriller film? And why?
We asked this question to find out which films which fall under the thriller genre that people enjoy today, this will give us the chance to look at these films and their trailers in order to see what features are included within the trailers and to help us see what we must include when we create our film trailer. We can then see what makes a successful thriller film too. These results show that out of the 20 people we asked, 'Shutter Island' was the most popular, proving it to be a successful thriller, although these results do show many films which are liked by the public. We will look at the reasons for liking these films and use that to our advantage to prepare for our own project.

Question 5; What emotion do you expect from a thriller?
We asked this question to find out what the public feel/want to feel while they experience a thriller. The emotion which a film holds is very important and can be vital to make the film fit into the genre it is meant to be. From these results, we can see that tension was the most common emotion people said that they wold expect to feel whilst watching a thriller film. Closely followed by shock, this shows that we will have to include aspects of tension and shock into our plot and into our film trailer to make it meet the needs of the audience.

Question 6; What aspects do you think make a successful film trailer?
This question is to see what the public think is good to include in a film trailer and to make it effective. Here we can see that a fast pace is very important and we must include a fast pace in our film trailer for it to be successful. Flashing images was also something which the public say is good to include in a film trailer, we should take the information from this and consider these details when creating our film trailer.

Question 7; Do film trailers influence you to go and watch a new film?
This is a vital question, as it will tell us if film trailers actually make people want to go and see/buy the film. As we can see, a vast majority of the people we asked said that yes, the film trailer does make them want to see the film. This proves how it is extremely important that a film trailer is good and effective, as it plays a big role in making the audience want to see a film.

Question 8; What is your preferred sub-genre of a thriller?
We asked this question to find out which sub-genre is the most popular for a thriller. We have decided to do a 'psychological' thriller and the results from this question shows how this is a successful genre of thriller, and closely after is 'Supernatural'. This graph also shows that legal, spy and political thrillers are not so popular and have a niche market compared to the others shown on the graph.

Question 9; How do you normally discover that a new film has been released at the cinema?
This is to find out what method is most effective at gaining the public's attention towards a new film, this graph shows that trailers shown on TV is the most popular method, this is due to the fact that television is a part of everyday life and most people will see the adverts. The next one was through friends, as word of mouth gets around quickly, especially if the trailer looks good. The least popular were magazines, so we know that the public do not learn about a new film through magazines as often.

Question 10; Do you prefer to see the titles at... beginning, middle or end?
This question is to where people like to see the titles during a trailer, and most of the people we asked said at the end, showing that we should think about this when it comes to creating our film trailer and we should include the titles either in the middle or at the end, as at the beginning was the least popular. 

Question 11; Are you influenced to go and watch a film based on the cast/director?
We asked this question to see if the public go and watch a film based on who directed it and who stars in it. three quarters of the people we asked said that yes, they are influenced by this to go and see a film, which shows that people say who is in the film and who directs it in order to make people want to go and see the film and therefore, we should include who is in the film in our film trailer.

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