Friday 4 November 2011

Mind Map - Thriller

We decided on the genre Thriller. Thrillers typically, are full of surprises and excitement and highly stimulate the audiences mood. This can range from anticipation to levels of expectation. They are made to make the audience "at the the edge of their seats".
Thrillers can be put into sub genres;
  • Consiparcy thriller (a hero/heroine confronts a large group of enemies)
  • Cime thriller (based on either successful or failed crimes)
  • Legal thriller (Lawyer hero/heroines confront enemies inside and outside the coutroom)
  • Political thriller (The hero/herione must ensure the stability of the government)
  • Pyschological thriller (Conflict between the main character is both emotional and mental, instead of physical)
  • Supernatural thriller (This brings in a strange, unknown element mixed with plot twists and tension)
  • Romantic thriller (This combines excitement with love and disarsters within love)
  • Spy thriller   
This proves that there is a wide variety of thrillers which exist today, and there are even more then what i mentioned above. A thriller defines itself through it's name, it is meant to be a thrilling experience. As a group we conducted a mind map of what we though should be within a thriller film. We did this to help us gather ideas together and to see what we expected from a thriller film.

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