Friday 4 November 2011

Deconstruction: Film trailer of 'Shutter Island'

We decided to deconstruct the film 'Shutter Island' as it is from the genre thriller so we can compare and extract the features of existing thriller films. This has been a popular and successful Thriller, so will contain what the public look for in a thriller. The trailer is gripping and exciting, making people want to go and see the film at the cinema or to buy it on DVD etc.

First still image;
The first still image we captured from the film trailer was fairly close to the beginning of the trailer and shows a close up of the main character. This gives off an appreciation to the audience that the film is going to evolve around this character and that his role in the film will be very significant. His facial expression also makes the audience feel slightly tense as it is not a happy expression but more one of worry, concentration and suspense. The close-up allows the audience to feel his emotions through his facial expression. The sound in the background during this still image is a man saying "Give you a briefing about the institution" and then move onto another man saying "all in all it's a mental hospital". This makes the audience want to find out more and to carry on watching the trailer then they might know what is meant by this, or even to watch the film to find out what exactly was meant by these words. Also, a mental hospital was mentioned, this is a very popular aspect in thriller films as many of them tend to be based around someone with a mental health issue, leading the audience to believe that there will be something to do with a mental patient within the film.
Second still image;
The second still image we took from the trailer shows the text fading into the scene of the next clip. This makes the trailer seem to run more smoothly rather then cutting to the text and then straight into the next scene. The font is clear and the colour 'white' is bold, so that the audience can read what production this film is from, advertising the production company for this film. This shows that when we make our trailer, details like that are likely to be used within a thriller trailer. The shot of going into these gates makes the audience feel as though they are there and are walking/driving into these gates themselves (point of view shot). This will make the audience feel more involved, creating more suspense for the audience. As the audience do not know what is through these gates, also creates tension of the unknown. 
Third still image;
The third still image we chose to capture has an element of fear for the audience and a sense of 'horror'. The old lady going "shh" is creepy to see and is child like for an old woman. She has clear mental issues, which relates back to the first still image talk over. We know that she has got mental problems as the talk over before she makes the "shh" sound says "We take only the most dangerous, damaged patients..." this once again creates suspense, as it makes the audience feel uncomfortable and want to know the story behind Shutter Island and the people who are there. The old woman's lack of hair and facial expression makes the audience also feel tense and maybe a little frightened as it is not the 'norm' and contains a creepy atmosphere.
Fourth still image;
The Fourth still image that we took from this trailer, we thought, represents the violence which often occurs within the thriller genre. Violence gives a film a thrilling aspect as it can be tense and exciting and creates action and movement. Here we can see a man who is bleeding reaching for a gun, the gun being the symbol for artificial violence. This lets the audience see that people get hurt, but does not show you who, the fact that the mans arm is wearing a uniform which is for the police/army, shows the audience that the people who we believe to be our protectors and control violence, is in fact vulnerable in this film and loose control. This makes the audience think that this is strange and want to find out why this has happened and whether or not they over come this vulnerability.
Fifth still image;
In the fifth still image we took from the trailer we see a birds eye view of the setting which the film takes place (Shutter Island). This shows to the audience where the film will be based. The music in the background at this point is fairly dramatic and intense, making the setting seem a fearful place. This is effective as we then portray the Island as being a bad place because of the gloomy weather and the sounding in the background. It does not settle on this clip for long as it flashes to different clips, making the trailer fast moving, exciting and full of suspense.
Sixth Still image;
This still image is taken from a low-angle, looking up towards the three men in uniform (one being the main character from the beginning). This represents the power and authority they have over the man sitting down working for them. It shows them looking down upon them making the audience feel their importance. The lighting in the still image is very dull in the background and very basic in the background also, this makes the audience focus on the three men rather then what is in the background. However the foreground is lit up and has complex technology, this shows the contrast between the characters.
Seventh still image;
The still image we got here shows a small book which the woman he previously speaks to handed to him. It says in large, capitalised writing 'RUN'. This creates much suspense for the audience as we do not know what this subliminal message means and why he should run. This makes the audience feel uneasy about the situation now and is a clue that something bad will happen if he does not leave the Island. This is also taken from a point-of-view shot as we see the book from the angle he is reading , as though we are looking through his eyes at the book, this has a dramatic effect as we feel as though we need to take this clue ourselves, and worry about what the message means. The music at this point is loud and un-comforting, also creating tension and a dramatic effect.
Eighth still image;
This still image shows a blank, black screen with white writing saying 'Leonardo Dicaprio'. The reason this has been placed within the trailer is to attract more people to watching the film as he is a famous and well loved actor, if people know he plays a large roll within the film, he's fans and many more people will be more influenced to watch or buy the film. This shows that when we make our thriller film trailer, we will have to include names of who is starring in the film. The white on black is effective as it is clear and bold, this shows contrast of good and bad as black is associated with the dark and white is a more pure and innocent shade.
Ninth still image;
This still image shows a man in prison quickly reached out to grab the authoritative main character. we can see from the still that this contained quick movement as the arm is slightly blurred. This part of the trailer makes the audience jump, which is a thrilling aspect of a thriller film, as we had no idea that the man was about to quickly reach out. This means that we should include in our thriller trailer, something that takes the audience by surprise.
Tenth still image;
We choose to use this still image to show the special effects used in this film. Special effects are commonly used in many genres, including thriller. This makes it more exciting and different as by using special effects we can create exciting scenes which can not be physically created to film, but only through technology. This shows a real woman fading into ashes, this visual effect is very well done, and can shock the audience. The special effects in this film are clearly very well produced and can make it a more exciting experience for the audience. From his facial expressions and the fact that he is embracing the woman that is fading away, we feel a sense of sadness through the emotion of this scene. This makes the audience want to know who the woman is and what she means to the character.
Eleventh still image;
This still is showing the title of the film, showing that in our trailer we must include the name of the film, otherwise the audience will be less likely to go out of their way to find out what the film was called after watching the trailer. The same theme of black and white is used here but this time is even bigger and bolder, to emphasize the name of the film.
Twelfth still image;
The final still image which we took falls right at the end of the trailer, the music dies down to an end. We see the final names of the credits. Showing that some credits should be shown at the end of our trailer. We also see a few logos and the website at the bottom, showing that advertisement is important when making a film trailer.

To watch this trailer click on the link below:

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