Friday 4 November 2011

Mind Map - Genre

Choosing a genre is very important for our project as it sets a basis which we will have to work around, our film trailer will differ depending on the genre we decide on. There is an extremely wide variety of genres when it comes to films, ranging from horror to children's films. This is the reason why we are doing research into different genres in order to choose one that we think is right for us to work on and what characteristics we want in our film trailer. We conducted a mind map of the different genres we could think of and would consider. This was to select what genres exist so we can clearly see all of our options and then pick one of them. 
I am using this post to show what genre's we have looked at but have decided not to do, to show a contrast to our work and other film types.

Some examples of musicals are Grease, Moulin Rouge, Oliver and The Phantom of the Opera. Musicals consist of songs and music which fits with the plot of the film as it goes along. We Have decided not to do a musical as they do have a smaller target audience compared to other genre's and we would find it difficult to produce a successful trailer as we would need to sing etc.
Moulin Rouge is a more modern example of a musical (2001) and has the dancing and singing as do many musicals. This can however, also be classed under having the sub-genre of romance. There is a love story within the story. 
Oliver can also be put into a sub-genre of historical and crime, as the story is set in 1834 and consists of 'pick pockets'. This also has your stereotypical singing throughout.
The Phantom of the Opera is a classical musical but once again can be put into another sub-genre, this time of horror, the horror aspect comes from the old film which was not a musical, but was a silent black and white film which was classes as a horror and was more 'creepy' then the new musical versions, which are slightly more light hearted, as are most musicals. It also has romance within it.

An examples of children's film are Disney films, Pixar films and cartoons. Children's films can not contain anything unsuitable such as swearing. We have chosen not to do a children's film for our film trailer as it would be too difficult for us to produce as they are mainly animated, and we do not have the resources to produce an animated film. We will more then likely not be aiming our trailer at such a young age group as well.
The Lion King is a Disney film made for children and is a cartoon, just are many children's films. This has animals which are personified and music in it which is what children from many ages tend to enjoy.
Monsters inc. is a Pixar produced children's film and is slightly more modern animation. It is full of fictional characters which brings in the aspect of imagination which exits in children's films. 

Adventure films usually consist of new, exotic places, hero's and heroines, fast movement, thrills, action, excitement, historical content and in many cases disasters. Some examples are Inception, Indiana Jones, The great Escape and Pirates of the Caribbean. We are not going to do an adventure film as we feel we are less interested in this genre then some of the others we came up with and feel as though we would find it difficult to make this effective.
Indiana Jones is a very popular adventure film. It contains many of the desirable features of an adventure film, excitement, a hero figure and exotic surroundings. The age group for this type of film is very vast as children/ teenagers to elderly people enjoy it. It may be considered as "family friendly".
Pirates of the Caribbean is another more modern, popular adventure film. This has much excitement and action within it along with historical content of the old tales and myths of pirates and also from the time when pirates existed.

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