Friday 11 November 2011

The Script;


(Editing note: Non-diegetic Sound, Background Music and sound effects throughout trailer)

Helena: Crying sounds, kneeling over the grave of her husband [long shot].
Her crying becomes louder and then we see the soldier hat of her husband in her point of view [point of view shot].

[Close-up on Helena's eyes crying]

(Editing note: Fades into her eyes with 'tears of joy' due to having the baby).

Baby: [Crying sounds]

Nurse: Congratulations! You have a healthy baby boy.

Helena: My beautiful baby Jack. [beaming smile]

Helena and Baby: [walking into their house; match on action shot]

(Editing note: black screen)

[Shot of baby dead in the cot, over the shoulder shot to close-up shot]

(Editing note: Distribution company)

Helena: [close up on her face while asleep]

[camera tilts towards ceiling, whilst fading into Helena's dream]

Dream sequence; [mid-shot of the baby's cot with a figure stood behind it, unclear image]

[Her alarm clock rings at the end of the dream sequence]

(Editing note: Alarm clock fades into the sound of a police siren)

[panning shot of the police car moving]

Police Man: [Mid-shot of him getting out of the police car]

(Editing note: The actors names appear on the screen.)

Dream sequence two; [mid-shot on the baby's cot with the figure behind which is now slightly clearer]

(Editing note: A black screen with 'from the makers of distorted' on it)

Helena: [runs towards the camera screaming/shouting angrily]

[Extreme close-up on Helena's bloodshot eyes]

[door slams shut]

[zoom-out to show the psychiatric ward]

(Editing note: Film title appears on screen:D.I.D you?) 

We thought that by constructing a script it would make it easier for the people appearing in our trailer too learn their words and their stage directions. Although, we do not have many spoken lines in our trailer, there are many things which need to be noted. I have put in 'editing notes' so that they can gather a feel for the trailer and know how to act at these points and also to remind us where we need to add certain features during the editing process. There are also directions for the person who is in charge of filming and holding the camera at that point, so that they know which angle/camera movement will be used and also so that the people playing the characters know what kind of position they need to be in at that point.

Normally there wouldn't be a script specifically for a film trailer, as a film trailer usually consists of parts of the film which has previously been filmed. But, as we are not creating the whole film and only the trailer, we would need a script.  

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