Friday 4 November 2011

A2 - Media project

This year, we began by decided which groups we will be working with for the year. As we thought we all got on well with our project last year and enjoyed working together, we have decided to stay in the same group. I think this will benefit us as a group because when you enjoy a project, it gives a sense of motivation towards it. 

Although we were a group of four last year, one member has dropped media at A2 level. so therefore, we are in a group of three:

The task for this project is to create a film trailer for a genre of our choice.This will involve using this blog to keep track of everything we are doing, filming out trailer and then editing it to a higher standard, then comparing our work to existing media products. This will need much research in order to gain the right standards of work. We will then have to produce a magazine cover/poster and look into the promotional side of the film industry. 
The task will involve physical work (filming, editing, finding a location) but, also practical work (keeping a blog up to date and writing all the ideas and producing the magazine cover/poster).

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