Friday 11 November 2011

Deconstruction: Film trailer of 'Crazy Stupid Love'

After deconstructing two thriller film,s, we decided to deconstruct a film from a completely different genre to compare the differences and to explore further into the features of a different genre. Crazy Stupid Love falls under the genre of Rom-com; a mix between romance and comedy, so features of both would be expected in this genre. There will be elements to make the audience laugh but also to feel love and romance.

First still image;
The first still image captures shows the comedy element of this film trailer, we can see from the facial expression: laughter. Also at this point, the man who we assume the film is going to be based around is looking up to the man laughing, this could show that he is Superior to him and maybe his boss, mocking and laughing at him because he can.

Second still image;
This still image represents the romance side of the trailer, the woman is looking up to the man, perhaps with admiration, this shows the typical side of romance of the woman 'being in the mans arms' and is stereotypical of the film genre. As this scene is happening, the man is using flattery to make the girl smile and fall for him by saying "There's lots of beautiful women in this bar, but i can't take my eyes of you." Also typical of romance films. 

Third still image;
The third still image shows a close-up of another, presumably, main character who will make up much of the content of the film. We can tell that this is a light hearted film compared to the previous two thriller films I deconstructed as he is smiling rather then showing fear and worry.

Forth still image;
This still image also shows an element of comedy showing a young, typically, good looking man standing naked in front of the typically, standard regular man, this comparison can make people laugh as it is a mockery over the man sitting down. 

Fifth still image;
This still is used to show what production the film is; Warner Brothers pictures. This is a popular company which is globally recognised by the public, so can attract customers to watch this film after seeing this trailer. Music starts in the background at this point to emphasise the next part of the trailer and to bring attention to the writing on the screen. Black against white also makes it bold and clear to read.

Sixth still image;
This still image shows shot-reverse-shot as they talk over the table. This is an effective way to show a conversation between two people and can be used to see the reaction of the person who is listening to the other person or to see facial expressions of the person talking, this can hold a comedic factor. The setting seems to be relaxed with dimmed lighting, and how we would expect from a nice bar/restaurant.

Seventh still image;
This still image shows once again the title of the film being shown mid way through the trailer, and is a much larger font compared to the other bits of information shown during the trailer. This is to make sure that the audience know what the film is called. This once again verifies that showing the name of the film during a trailer is important, and we must include it in our own.

Eighth still image;
This is an effective way to introduce the famous names of the main characters who are starring in the film. When people know that there is an actor who they like appearing in a film as a main character, they are going to be more inclined to go and watch the film.

Ninth still image;
The ninth still image represents the romance side of this film, a typical scene of a man picking up a woman and staring into each others eyes at night time. People who enjoy romance films will like the aspect of true love and sweet moments such as this. At this point there is no talk over but just the soundtrack in the background, making the moment more intense.

To watch this trailer click on the link below:

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