Friday 11 November 2011

Deconstruction: Film trailer of 'Insidious'

Insidious falls under the genre of horror, we thought that doing this we could compare two closely related genres; psychological thriller and horror. Horror needs to make the audience feel fear and adrenaline, often uses dark settings and lighting in order to create gloom. They often contain demons, monster like creatures or ghosts or even just plays tricks with the mind.

First still image;
The first still image is used to show the audience the Production company of the film, we can see that from this very beginning it is most likely going to be a horror film due to the fact that the background is a dark red and the writing is black, the red represents death, blood and gore expected within horror films and the black represents the dark side and dark happenings within.

Second still image;
The second still chosen shows a mid-close up of what we assume to be one of the main characters of the film. This is to allow the audience to get a glimpse of whom the film will be partially evolved around. The audience can gather a lot from the film from his facial expression, as you can see fear, shock and even bewilderment. When we hear a voice say "are you ready" this gives the trailer suspense and makes he audience want to carry on watching to discover what he is ready for.

Third still image;
The next still image is of what we assume the parents looking into the hospital ward of their son. This is an example of an over-the-shoulder shot which is looking over a persons shoulder at another or the object in focus. This represents that his parents are watching over him and we suspect that the child is vulnerable as he is in hospital and that his parents are going to try and protect him. The sound of the ticking in the back ground helps build the suspense through this trailer, making the audience feel on edge.

Forth still image;
The fourth still image shows a low angle in the perspective of the main woman character in the film, she is looking up towards the sound she has just heard on the baby monitor, the fact that she is looking up towards what ever it is making the noise makes her seem vulnerable and makes the thing upstairs in control and have a sense of power. The loud shout at the end of this scene makes the audience jump, giving the trailer the scare-factor it needs for a horror film. This lighting through-out this part is dark and gloomy, which fits into the horror genre perfectly.

Fifth still image;
in the fifth still image we see the main character standing in the doorway and behind him a creepy looking figure of a person or ghoul, we can tell that he is unaware of it watching him and standing behind him, this makes the audience fear for him and scared of what/who it is behind him, giving mystery to the trailer making people want to go and watch it to find out. This shows how we must include these kind of catches to draw people into our film trailer. The lighting here is even more darker then before and shows the fact that this is a dark film and falls into the horror genre.

Sixth still image;
The sixth still image shows a extreme close-up of a characters face, this is an effective way to show the emotion of a character, this shows the fear on the woman's face and the worry she is feeling at that moment in time, it gives the audience a feel for the emotions and so they feel it for the character too. The focus of this shot is on her face and the background is out of focus, drawing attention to the character rather then the background. The talk over is a goo way of explaining a part of the film without giving the story away, making the viewers want to know what was meant by the talk over.

Seventh still image;
The seventh still image is to show how they used the font to make the title of the film appear within the trailer effectively. It is very big as it crosses the screen and is the main image at the time so that the audience are focused on the title of the film. The background is flashing which gives it a more uneasy feeling as the audience feels as though it is all 'jolty' and unsettled, fitting the genre of horror.

Eighth still image;
This still image represents the darkness within horror films as the whole setting and lighting here is very dark shades and shows a shadow behind the window, showing the unknown element of the film and the trailer, giving the trailer a creepy effect, scaring the audience slightly but also intriguing them to know who or what it is that is behind the window. The sound in the background is intense and adds to making the audience feel uncomfortable.

Ninth still image;
This is the final time we see the title of the film on screen, it is clear and reassures the title of the film so that the audience are clear on what the film is called. The black background relates to the genre of horror as it represents the dark happenings within the film and the associations with dark colours. 

To watch this film trailer click on the link below;

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