Friday 11 November 2011

Deconstruction: Film trailer of 'Black Swan'

Black Swan is another thriller, it falls into the sub-genre of a psychological thriller. We have chosen to deconstruct this because then we can compare two existing thrillers which are both popular, but also because we are intend to produce a film trailer for a psychological thriller ourselves, so we can pick out features which we should include in our work.

First still image;
The first still image is mini introduction which Fox put before films and trailers. This is to show that it is a Fox, searchlight production, which is recognised by many. This goes for many different genre's and it proves that advertising is key.

Second still image;
The second still image introduces the trailer, and presumably, the main character, as she is positioned in the spot light and her voice is talking over the image of her dancing in the spot light. The lighting here is effective as the background is black, representing the title 'Black swan' whereas her dress is white representing purity, showing a contrast between the character and darkness. Her being in the spot light also suggests she will be the star of the show. The music in the background of her talk over sounds pure and high-pitched, matching her white dress and the spot light.

Third still image;
The third still image shows the first bit of writing during this trailer, it is placed on top of black feathers, once again representing the title of the film. The still says "Official selection, Toronto Film Festival 2010" showing the audience that this is a successful film and will be worth watching. This is an effective way of advertising.

Forth still image;
The forth image shows the main character from the second image and a man standing on a balcony above the rest of the people in the still. This is a low-angle, representing power and authority, the man making the speech with the young girl on the balcony clearly is superior to the other people around the balcony as they are below him and listening to him. This is also, obviously his event or an event based around him.

Fifth still image;
The fifth image shows the main character walking through the street. It is filmed as a rear shot. Thus we see the back of her head walking away. The camera follows her as she walks away and has a jolter movement to it as it does, as if we are another person walking behind her and following her. This is to make the audience feel involved in the film as the experience the trailer. As she is walking across the streets the words "you are going to be, amazing" are said, this has an effect on the audience as they sense excitement and believe that she is going play an amazing part in the film.

Sixth still image;
The next still image we used has a much different effect compared to the other one, and special effects begin to take place, causing excitement and new thrills within the trailer. As she stands in front of the mirror and slowly starts to turn, her reflection turns more vigorously and looks at her with an evil looking scowl. This is where we start to see the psychological side of the trailer/film. This has a shocking/thrilling aspect and makes the audience feel fear for the character as her facial expressions expresses fear. The sound effects used in the background gets louder as her reflection turns its head towards her.

Seventh still image;
This still image show a close-up shot of the main character while in the bath, at this point in the trailer, it is skipping from one scene to another, which gives the trailer a fast moving effect, making it exciting to watch. The reason they have used a close-up here is to show the audience the fear she is experiencing. This makes the audience feel the fear with her and feel suspense and wonder what is causing her to feel scared in this film.

Eighth still image;
The eighth still image shows more special effects used within this film trailer, this scene has a horror effect as a monster like version of the black swan looks towards the camera (which is also towards the main character). This also has a shocking effect on the audience as they do not expect to see this next in the trailer. There is loud sound effects as it looks up from the ground causing emphasis on that particular moment.

Ninth still image;
This still image is leading more towards the end of the trailer and we now see the main character dancing in a black dress which contrasts with the opening scene where she was wearing a white dress, showing a change from pure to dark. This is also a rear shot and we can see the audience from how she would be seeing it also. it gives a sense that someone or something is standing behind her and watching. She is also being applauded by the audience which suggests that she did full fill the statement said over the fifth image, and in fact now she is the star of the show.

Tenth still image;
More special effects appear in out tenth still image, meaning more excitement and thrills. We see here more psychological confusion as she pulls a black feather out of her skin, this represents the change in her and the dark side that is coming out. This shows her mental state and also makes the audience want to find out why this is happening to her and what is wrong with her, as it i a fairly shocking scene to see.

Eleventh still image;

Twelfth still image;
This still image shows the title of the film on the same black feather background which has occurred through the trailer. This also presents the contrast of white on black, which has been the theme through out (showing darkness behind purity.) This shows that we must include the title of the film when it comes to filming our trailer. The feathers move in the background of the text has a nice visual effect to the eye while also having a weird, creepy feel to it at the same time.

To watch this trailer click on the link below:

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