Friday 11 November 2011

Film Title - Mind Map;

Choosing the correct film title is vital, if a film has a distinctive or catchy name, it helps to grab the audience and make them want to see the film. It links in with the first impressions of a trailer, as the title can help to make the trailer more eye-catching. The title can set the tone for the film. although the phrase 'never judge a book by it's cover' is something that people should take on, not everyone does, and it is difficult to not judge something when you know so little about it, so making a film trailer right is very important, just as the film title. The better the title, the more likely people will want to watch the film, the worse the title, the more confusing and unattractive the film seems to the viewers.

We decided to put all our initial ideas for the title of our film in a mind map, and then look at the results at the end to decide which title will be most effective and fitted to our film, from looking at our plot and the contents of the film. We came up with quite a few ideas, but had to narrow it down.Are favourites were; Rock-a-bye-baby, D.I.D you? and miss-understood. 

We thought this was a catchy title as it is a very well known nursery rhyme/lullaby and it has a literal meaning, as her baby passes on, she really does have to say bye to her baby. This creates a negative perspective on this old lullaby.

D.I.D you?;
This also has two meanings to it as the D.I.D stands for her mental disorder (Dissociative Identity Disorder), however, the audience do not realise this until much later in the film, so when the twist of her having this disorder occurs, the audience would realise the true meaning of the title. On top of this, the question did you? also relates to the fact that she killed her baby herself, so this meaning represents when the private detective accuses her after doing research into her behaviour. This is effective as the viewers will realise both meanings of the title later on through the film.

This sounds like misunderstood, but by spelling it like this shows how the woman has misunderstood her situation, and how the police etc have misunderstood her. Also effective and catchy, it needs to be so that the audience are tempted to watch this film rather then think it sounds rubbish. 

We decided to use the title D.I.D you? as we all agreed it was the most effective and suited title for the plot of our film. The twist shows in both the film and title this way, making it a catchy and interesting film title. We found that a title like this, or the other two we picked out are more appealing then some of the ideas we came up with, such as who?, need and bad dream, which all seem really bland and boring with no real thought or meaning behind them. Thus leading to us choosing D.I.D you?. 

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