Friday 11 November 2011

The Plot Synopsis of the Trailer;

This post is to show the plot and the story line for the whole film, so that we have a story to base our trailer around. This will help us to plan and organise the events and the feel of the trailer, giving a story behind it and so that it makes sense.

A woman who is around 5 months pregnant finds out that her husband has just been killed in Afghanistan, very distressing news for a pregnant woman. She has the baby, and tries to move on and push her depression out for the baby's sake, although not realising the later affects of this. She takes her baby home happily, a part of her husband still exists. But then soon, anxiety grows as she struggles to cope as a single mother, and the baby sadly passed away due to infant death syndrome, often referred to as 'cot death' (as the family believed).

The mother (main character) does not believe that her baby died of natural causes and that something/someone had murdered it. Ever since the death of her child, she has unsettling dreams about a figure killing her baby, and everyday the death haunts her and convincing her more and more that it was not natures doing. 

So decides to call the police to open murder enquiries, although, they do not find any substantial evidence that anyone was involved in the death of the baby and list the death under natural causes. Her mind still not at rest, her dreams and visions become more frequent and more vivid. The 'figure' becomes more apparent to the point which she notice's it is a woman figure. This makes her more on edge and her actions become more 'out of place'.

She then hires a private investigator, in hope to find some answers and of solving this mystery. He finds no real evidence to begin with, but does find the whole story suspicious, and is intrigued by her fixation that someone murdered her baby. He does further research into it and into her past life. He realises that her symptoms show that of Dissociative identity disorder, he realises how it has all driven her to this mental disorder, and it must in fact of been her who had killed the baby. He straight away gets her help.

She does not accept that it was her, sending her to insanity as her disorder grows stronger, she is taken to a psychiatric ward, where they lock her in on her own. 
The End.

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