Friday 11 November 2011

Target Audience Questionnaire

This is an example of our questionnaire which we designed in order to find out what the audience wanted from a thriller film so that we good get a clear outlook on what the public want so we can include these aspects in our ideas and film trailer. This is a good method as it is easy to produce, simple for the audience to answer and gives us an opportunity to see what existing thriller films the public like, so that we can get a feel for what makes a successful thriller film. We asked 20 people to fill out our questionnaire, which is just enough for us to get all the information necessary.

Target Audience Questionnaire;      Please circle your answer or write in the spaces provided.

1. What gender are you?
Male       Female

2. What age range do you fall under?
Under 12        12-14         15-18        19-25        26-50


3. Do you enjoy watching thriller films? And why?
Yes                 No

 4. What emotion do you expect from a thriller?

 5. What aspects do you think make a successful film trailer?

 6. Do film trailers influence you to go and watch a new film?
Yes                 No

 7. What is your preferred sub-genre of a thriller?
Psychological     Conspiracy      Political      Crime     Legal      Supernatural     Romantic           Spy

9. How do you normally discover that a new film has been released at the cinema?
Posters      Trailers and TV     Trailers online     Trailers at the cinema    Magazines    Through friends  

10. Do you prefer to see the titles at…
The beginning        The middle        The end

11. Are you influenced to go and watch a film based on the cast/director?
Yes           No

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