To create our poster we were going to use 'Poster forge' which is software which has been specifically made to design posters. It gave the option to create a motivational, movie or a wanted poster. We planned to make a movie poster, it allows you to simply add a picture and then a title and all of the relevant text where it would usually be placed on a movie poster. However, we decided to just use the programme we used for the magazine cover (photoscape) as we were limited to what we could add and where on the poster we could place the text and we wanted more freedom to experiment with the poster.
Here is an example of a rough attempt at a poster on poster forge:
This editing process shows how we made the image to the right lighting for our main poster. We made it so that the background was near enough black, this added to the effect of the image and made our character stand out from the poster, making it more eye-catching. We did this by increasing the 'darken' tool. We then, after went on to alter the 'deepen' and 'gamma bright' tool. We learnt from creating our magazine cover on photoscape to not edit too much, other wise the image becomes extremely pix elated.
This print screen image shows how we added extended photos onto our poster. We used this tool in order to get the title from paint, the age certificate and our production company logo onto the poster, which can them form a tradition promotional film poster. This came in useful to us otherwise we would not have been able to add any extra images via photoscape.
This image is to show that when we saved at any point any of our work, we saved it as the highest quality as possible. This is because we wanted our work to look as professional and as good as we possibly could.
This print screen image is to show how we croped any images that we felt needed altering in terms of size. we did this to many images to try and see which picture would suit our poster best. Also, as we wanted half of her face originally, this tool became very useful.
This is to show how for one image for a poster, we used the 'filter' tool and chose the option 'cinema middle'. This gave the image a subtle blue tint and an effective, creepy background, which had a similar effect to many existing film lighting's within the psychological thriller or the horror genre.
This is to show the font we used for one of our designed and how we had to use paint to design the titles and then add the cut image back onto photoscape, this is because photoscape would not add text at a very large scale, only a small scale. We decided to try a different colour to what we had previously used (red,white and black) and found that on this particular image it worked well and blended in effectively.
This print screen image is to show what we wrote on our age certificate badge. We have done this because once we added the image onto the poster, it became very small and not very easy to read, this is the same on many posters but thought it best to show what exactly we had wrote. We followed the same layout as a real age certificate badge, and thought that this showed a good understanding of a realistic age certificate badge and what a psychological thriller would contain.
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