Friday 10 February 2012

Evaluation 2 - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

I have decided to show the section of my evaluation via a presentation video. I created this presentation on Prezi, which is an online presentation designer that you can sign up to and make creative and different forms of presentations.

Our main product (the film trailer) and our ancillary texts (the magazine cover and poster) worked well as a combination and complimented each other. We decided to use the same colour theme through out which was black, red and white. (black was mainly the background)They worked well together as they had a contrast but fitted in with our genre and our plot. White showed the innocence of the baby, red represented danger and blood and the black represented the dark happenings of the story. 

They all shared an eerie theme and grabbed the audience's attention by making them think about what is happening as it isn't quite clear, they can sense that it is a mystery just by looking at all three aspects our project.

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