Friday, 10 February 2012

Evaluation 4 - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

You can expand this slide show by clicking the bottom right hand button.

Blogger is where we have kept a record of everything we do and why and also provides evidence of what we have done, therefore being one of the most important media technology for this project.

We also used an Acer Aspire 5750 laptop to do all of the editing for our trailer, magazine cover and poster. We found that this gave us more freedom to download and use any software that we might need. We also came across fewer issues than last year when we did our project on our school computers, many issue's occurred. It also allowed us to do more work out of school as well as in school.

For the researching process we mainly used the Internet, this was because we had easy access to the Internet and is very useful to find any extra information we may need to know, such as researching into codes, conventions, camera angles, movement and shots, help on how to edit (we used YouTube tutorials to help us with the main editing) etc.

For my evaluation I have created a slide show presenting each piece of technology that I used. There are various aspects of technology used for our project. I have used all of these features during every stage of my project (construction, research, planning and evaluations.) In order to get this slide show onto my blog and into my evaluation, I had to use a couple of other media technologies. One being Slide Share, which is a website which you sign up to and post slide shows. I added my slide show onto here and then edited the HTML to paste the copy code to put it on my blog and then click compose. This worked well and has added an extra feature to my evaluation process. I also used PowerPoint to make my slide show, which was the easiest way to go about it and still look smart and effective.

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