Saturday 28 January 2012

Magazine Cover Deconstructions;

We decided to use Black Swan, Insidious and Shutter Island as example of existing magazine covers to match the deconstructions of the film trailers we did. However, we could not find any good examples of  a magazine cover for Crazy Stupid Love, so decided to use one for 'Hangover 2' which is also a comedy, so that the genre was similar to talk about. It helped me to gather ideas about how to create a magazine cover and what to include when it comes to designing our own. This was a useful task in creating a basic idea of how we should lay out the magazine cover and showed that for the main image of the magazine (which will be Sophie) should be the main attraction and based in the centre, also she should be dressed as though she is the actress (glamorous) rather then the character from our film. We do have to keep in mind that our magazine design will be based upon a magazine which is produced purely for films rather then a mixed topic magazine, but when choosing covers to deconstruct, it was difficult to find any magazine covers which did mainly focus on films - having a more niche market.

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