Thursday 12 January 2012

Costume, make-up and props

To begin with we gathered together all of our props. This gave us the chance to base our filming around the most vital props, such as; the doll and the cot. We had to try our best with the limited amount of professional make up and costumes we had and improvise to create effective characters and setting through out our filming. We had to over come some difficulties during the process, but did find that our experiences from last year helped us considerably, having giving us more skills and expectations on some of the problems which may occur.

We had to use a range of props and costumes during the filming process of our project:
  • Baby Doll
  • Detective outfit - big black coat,top hat and a car
  • A moses basket - washing basket with baby blankets
  • A white dressing gown
  • A nurse outfit - blue shirt, white hat
  • White stool
  • A lamp
  • whit sheets - for hospital bed and new born baby

Here is the doll which we used as the baby in our A2 project. We chose to use this one as it was the most realistic looking doll we could find, as it is a serious, thriller we needed to make it realistic to fit the genre and make it much more effective. In this picture you can see how we have prepared the baby for the scene of the hospital, when our main character has just given birth, to do this we wrapped it in white cloths, to make it realistic to real hospitals. This could also symbolise the purity and innocence of the baby.                                                                   

Here we can see the beginning process of the make up of the main character. This was also for the hospital scene, our aim to be that she looks like she has just given birth to her new born baby. This occurs towards the beginning of the trailer. We used bright blusher to make her look hot/blushed, smudged her eye make-up and put gel in her hair to make it seem as though she had been sweating, we hoped to create a more authentic scene.
Here is the finished result of the props, costume and make up of the hospital/new born baby scene. We thought that it worked well and that we made a successful effort when transforming our actress into a mother with her new born baby in hospital. We used white sheets and robes to show the purity/innocence but also to show how a real hospital is, hospitals tend to be white so that they can see that it is clean, which is necessary within a hospital.        
We had to compromise to make a cot for the baby for the scene where the baby has died and for the dream sequence's. We got a washing basket and used baby blankets and cushions so that it looked more like a moses' basket. We thought that this was successful and works effectively as a moses' basket. We then put this on a stool so that we could get the shots we wanted.

Here we can see the bed we used to film the hospital scene and the dream sequence. To begin with the bed was covered in decorations, this would fit in with the dream sequence as then it would look like the main characters bed room. However, this would not be fit for purpose for the hospital scene, so we covered the whole bed in white sheets, this can represent purity/innocence as well as convey the look of the hospital.     

Here we can see the complete costume we created for the detective in our trailer, and the car we managed to use as a successful prop. We used all black, men's clothing on our group member/actress Sarah to make her look more like a man, this could be part of the media representations, as most people will expect to see a man detective in a serious scene then a woman, showing the attitudes and values of existing media and how our trailer/film follows this pursuit. We thought that it looked effective, but maybe if we were to change anything, we would have a male actor to play this role, but there is a time limit which we have to work to in this project. The car was a good prop to use, it made it feel more professional to the eye and gave us a chance to experiment with angles and camera movement in order to achieve a good shot.

Here is our final result of our mother; Helena. This is for the scene of her return home after having her new born baby, and walks through the front door into her house (Sarah's house). I believe that we did successfully produce an effective - believable scene where she looks as though she is the baby's mother and the baby does look quite real in this scene, which is a key aim for this project. We dressed her in 'normal' and 'average' clothes to show that she is comfortable and the situation at this moment in the story everything is 'normal' with her.

Here we can see our main character once again, but this time, she is being prepared for out last scene where she has developed her mental illness and is now meant to be frightening and more threatening then before. We dressed her in white to contrast with her evil double personality and with her purity, but also to represent what she would have to be wearing at a psychiatric ward. We smudged make-up onto her shirt and on her face, so that she looked dirty and bruised, creating the right atmosphere for this scene. Made her hair messy also, demonstrating the madness.

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